An Old Man’s Game

Andrew Connally, a 25 yr old off-grid nobody, is contacted by a step-sister he never knew existed. In a somewhat perplexing phone call, she tells him of an inheritance left by their mutual mother. Although the money is not significant, she has an exciting proposition for him—rob the bank she manages. With the inheritance to fund the caper, her plan is for him to “wait out the heat” for six months in a retirement community posing as a sixty-seven-year-old resident. Once there, he soon finds the true definition of purgatory. Risking his cover by deciding to interact with the residents, he discovers a whole new world he had never imagined possible.

The “heat” is supplied by Treasury Special Agent James Caperneski, who needs to find the robber in the three weeks he has left before mandatory retirement from active duty. How is he going track a parentless nobody, a social ghost, whose last public event was a transfer from Juvenal Penitentiary ten years earlier?

The Old Man’s Game is a story where two worlds meet, and the bindings of age become strained.

Go to Writings, Novella or download here: An Old Man’s Game